Breakfast of champions
If there is one meal of the day that I see people struggling with it’s breakfast. I am always disappointed with our Western fixation on toast and cereal for breakfast … Continue reading
Womens Hormonal Health
Tania has specialised in the area of women’s health for over fifteen years Continue reading
Fluoride in our drinking water
In recent weeks I have started researching fluoride in Australian drinking water after being handed a documentary that made some unbelievable claims. Could it be possible that the fluoride added … Continue reading
The Great Detox Verdict – A Personal Perspective
It’s all very well for me to talk about the benefits of detoxification of which there are many, but how does the average person find the experience, and what are … Continue reading
Herbal Medicine
Herbal medicine remains the oldest and one of the most utilized forms of. Continue reading
Herbal Medicine Practices in the Amazon
Many of my clients know I took an extended break in the early part of this year. I have a particular interest in the traditional herbal medicine practices of different cultures … Continue reading
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